Bachelor of Nursing Application

How to Apply

Follow these three steps to apply to the BSN program at St. Ambrose University:

Application Deadlines

12月1日之前收到的申请将优先录取秋季学期. 7月1日前收到的申请将优先录取春季学期.


A Day in the Life

Find out what it's like to be a nursing student!

Supplemental Admission Information

Admission Prerequisites

在准备获得护理学学士学位(BSN). galaxy银河娱乐场app,学生必须首先完成以下课程:

1. 在进入护理计划之前,以C级或更高的成绩完成以下先决条件课程. 如果适用,在秋季入学前的夏季,最多只能完成一门科学课程.

  • +BIOL 101生物学原理(或更高水平的生物学),4学分(加实验)
  • BIOL 211 Introductory Microbiology, 4 credits (plus lab)
  • BIOL 230 Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4 credits (plus lab)
  • BIOL 232高级人体解剖学和生理学,4学分(加实验)
  • +CHEM 103化学原理(或更高水平的化学),4学分(加实验)
  • STAT 213应用统计推理科学,3学分
  • +PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology, 3 credits
  • PSYC 212 Life-Span Developmental Psychology, 3 credits
  • +SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, 3 credits

+applicable toward general education requirement

2. Complete general education requirement credits
    Traditional BSN program: 7 or fewer credits

3. Achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above.

4. When a student's primary language is not English, 学生必须达到爱荷华州护理委员会规定的托福水平要求; 

     TOEFL iBT minimum of 84 with a speaking score of 26
     TOEFL PBT minimum score of 560
     IELTS minimum of 6.5 with a spreaking score of 7.0

5. In addition to the above courses, 在被完全接受并开始护理课程(护理入学要求)之前,需要满足以下要求:

Additional recommendations:

  • 完成SAU外语要求:在开始护理课程之前,必须完成3年的高中外语或2个学期的大学外语.
  • 审查健康文件的要求,接受护理计划.
  • 与你的导师或护理学术顾问/招聘人员会面进行审查.

Program Progression

1. 所有护理课程及必修及辅修课程成绩达到C或以上. A student who receives one unsatisfactory grade (C- or lower, or withdraws from a course) may repeat the course one time. 在护理课程的任何时间有两次不满意的成绩(C或C以下和/或退课)的学生, in either the same course or in separate courses, will be dismissed from the nursing program.

2. Achieve a minimum of 74% average on all course exams. If the average exam scores for a course falls below 74%, the student will receive the exam average as the course grade.

3. 所有的先决条件课程必须在进入下一学期的护理课程之前完成. (For example, 所有第一学期的护理课程必须在进入第二学期护理课程之前完成。.

Nursing Fees and Supplies

Nursing course fees are reflected on tuition statements. Fees for on-campus students are $50 per credit hour. Fees for online nursing students are $130 per credit hour. 

Once admitted, what will I need?

Uniform -每个学生至少需要一套完整的制服,只能通过 SAU bookstore. 制服是深蓝色和白色的,容易保养,看起来很专业. 这套制服包括一件热身夹克、一条清洁裤和一件印有St. galaxy银河娱乐场app护理专业学生徽章.

Shoes – 建议穿防刺材料的鞋子,但不是必需的. 鞋子应该是专业的白色、海军蓝、黑色或灰色,颜色要尽量少. 鞋子应该是合适的步行鞋或跑鞋,脚趾闭合,愈合闭合, shoes are to be clean, non-slip/non-marking sole and in good condition, panty hose or socks shall be worn.

Watch – Each nursing student needs a watch with a sweep second hand.

Stethoscope – Each nursing student needs a stethoscope. We suggest a dual head stethoscope (with a bell and diaphragm).

Textbooks -所有护理课程使用的教材将在 SAU bookstore. While we do realize that textbooks are expensive; we discourage renting textbooks as many of them will be used throughout the entire nursing program.

Computer -部门使用安全的测试平台进行所有部门的测试. 学生应该使用一台可以支持Examplify/ExamID/Exam Monitor的电脑. 不支持苹果iPad或微软Surface等平板电脑. Read the minimum system requirements

Admission Decisions

Appeal Process

如果学生不符合进入SAU护理计划的标准, 他们可以向护理部门入学和发展委员会提交上诉信 explaining the circumstances related to not meeting the criteria.


  • 书面上诉必须在录取决定书日期后两周内由录取和进展委员会收到.
  • 信中必须说明可以要求录取和进展委员会根据部门政策改变决定的情有可原的情况.
  • 入学和进步委员会将在下次预定的会议上开会审查入学申请.
  • 在委员会做出决定后的一周内,学生将收到一封决定信.
Felony Conviction

Like all applicants to the SAU Nursing program, 有联邦定罪的申请人还需要提交一份犯罪背景调查.

Upon completion of the criminal background check, 护理部门将任何报告的犯罪记录结果连同学生的澄清信息一起提交给人类服务部. 人类服务部决定学生是否可以或不可以参加临床经验. 即使学生被允许参加临床体验, the Iowa Board of Nursing has the right to decline licensure.



Nursing Program

Center for Health Sciences Education
1320 W. Lombard St.
Davenport, IA 52804

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.